Saturday, November 06, 2010

Locks Chopped Off!

Kongkong and Mama have been telling me that Amanda's hair is way too long for a kid...  and Daddy asked me to bring her to William for a trim before her overnight camp just in case she cannot handle her hair on her own...  :))  So today, after running errands to distribute pineapple tarts etc. I brought her to William for her cut (I didn't call it a trim cos it's more than 10 inches that was chopped off)...
last few shots of her with long hair....  her hair was long at waist length...
last stop, godma's house to pass tarts and gifts...  and we got this sweet little box in return (jarett's one month shower which we missed)...

Off to William's place for a cut...  thank goodness it was still before 12 noon, so I escaped the ERP...  heeheehee...
uncle william handling her hair very carefully and patiently...
she was asked coffee, tea or coke?...  answer was obvious...  she chose coke!
mummy patiently waiting while sipping coffee....
the finishing touch
her precious locks!  thank goodness she didn't cry when she saw them cos she was very reluctant to cut her hair...  luckily uncle william was constantly sweet-talking to her...  lol!!
her back view....
and her new look!...  doesn't she look so neat?....  should have cut her hair earlier...  hahaha!!!

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