Friday, May 14, 2010

Supper At Old Town White Coffee

I was feeling very sick in the office today because of the office renovation...  super allergic to paint since I was a child...  Luckily I was "saved" by my outside meeting with my boss in the afternoon...  *winks winks*

I was in an exceptionally good mood today...  Daddy has work to do and Amanda wanted to tag along...  so I dropped them off and off I went for my retail therapy...  feels damn SHIOK to be able to shop again, eventhough I only had a few hours to shop...  I have been quite deprived of it since I started working....  sigh.... 

After fetching Daddy and Amanda, we decided to go Old Town White Coffee for supper.  I actually wanted to go Holland Village for supper, but the thought of finding a parking lot on a Friday night puts me off.... 
amanda eating her favourite ipoh kuay teow....  hmmm...  when will she get sick of this?...
my rendang rice....  yummiliciously sinful supper....
daddy's curry noodles...
our side dish, fried wanton....
and eggs.....
we love this place so much...  every meal here never fails us....  and they constantly update their menu to include new stuff....  hmmm, mark lee sure knows how to do his business well...

Back home........
it's mahjong time.... past midnight, and they are still playing and having fun...  anyway, exams are over, so it's time to de-stress....  isn't my mini mahjong set sooo cute??....

Please don't misundertand that Daddy is teaching Amanda to gamble at such a young age...  it is more like an educational mahjong session.... 

Oh by the way, i know nuts about mahjong...  Daddy and Amanda have taught me a few times, but IK am just not interested in mahjong...  strange right?... especially since mahjong seems to be a favourite among most people...

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