The flight from Singapore to Melbourne was much shorter than Mel/Sin.... Amanda opened her eyes only to realise she has landed in the Land of Koala Bears and Kangaroos.... By the time we collected out luggage it was already 7am Melbourne time (Melbourne is 2 hours ahead of Singapore).... and oh yes, we were very happy as Amanda did not vomit during this flight... hmmm.... the medicine must be working....
upon arrival at melbourne airport... why do i look so short in this picture, or does daddy look exceptionally tall here?.....
taking a taxi to the hotel... we were given taxi vouchers from the university.... they wanted to arrange for airport pick-up, but it was such an early sunday morning... so i guess it'll be more convenient for us to take a taxi....
the hall of our suite.... it comes with a bedroom and a kitchenette with laundry area....
we had breakfast at the hotel immediately after placing our luggage... we were feeling quite hungry.... but the food was quite a disappointment.... very expensive buffet, but so little variety...
(left) see what i mean?... our dear little darling dozed off halfway through breakfast.... (right) an organic kiwi....
We went back to our room for a short nap before walking along the streets of Chinatown and Bourke/Swanston/Colin Streets.....
daddy looking so excited when he saw "peking" duck... he simply loves ducks.... he was also very excited when he saw crystal jade restaurant.... haha.....
and guess what?... it was Father's Day here in Australia... the first sunday of september?!.... how odd.....
but it's good for us as they had discounts for dads on that day.... and daddy bought himself a pair of leather shoes.... :)
we were fascinated by the mirror outside this restaurant and thus decided to have our tea time here....
we love the setting in the restaurant including their "antique" decor....

colouring to keep her busy....
family photo....
my ice cream coffee which was yumzzz.....
we ordered "alice in wonderland" pancakes.... heehee... you know why we ordered this right?....
mad hatters tea party pancake....
the pancakes at pancake parlour rawks....

it was also this humongous chess set which attracted us into this restaurant..... hmmm.. good marketing tactics ya....
we cleared everything on the plate!....
more fun with the mirror before we left....
our favourite octopus from "old town coffee" in chinatown... AU$6 per packet... we love it and have been snacking on it almost every other day.... mmm......
streets of chinatown...
at the entrance of our hotel room, before leaving for dinner with joan...
dinner at dragon boat restaurant.... it was supposed to be joan's welcome dinner for us.. but daddy beat her to it when it came to bill time.... haha....
i think this is fried calamari... their specialty dish....
sweet and sour prawn... this dish was fantastic and was their specialty dish.... 
beef... also their specialty... in fact we ordered dishes from their specialty list....
i forgot if this dish is pork or chicken...
We had fried rice to go along with the dishes, and I was very sure we had more dishes than this, but I must have forgotten to take pictures (including the fried rice)....
a group photo taken....
trying without flash... (right) the 2 alices....
With that, we ended Day 2....
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