Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Oreo Cheese Cake At Aunty Michelle's House

Aunty Michelle invited us over to her house for baking of Oreo Cheese Cake.... Amanda was extremely excited about it as she enjoys meeting friends of around her age and also enjoys baking....

before going to aunty michelle's house...
the pro showing the kidz how to set the base for the oreo cheese step... freeze it... amanda was standing on a stool, which explains why she could reach the freezer......adding thickened cream to philadelphia cheese.....putting the cheese on top of the oreo base...sprinkling on some decoration and it's done!
waiting for cheese cake to chill.... the kids were upstairs playing whilst the ladies chatted over a cuppa tea....cheers to sharon, alice and michelle!!!!

We had an enjoyable time at Michelle's house.... We ladies enjoyed ourselves chatting and for Amanda, she enjoyed playing with Branson who happens to be her fellow schoolmate....
Thanks for your invitation Michelle!

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