Saturday, April 03, 2010

Isaac's Wedding...

We attended Isaac (Daddy's cousin) & Sheri's wedding today.....  Amanda was exceptionally happy the entire day as she always enjoys such family gatherings, and she was full of praises for the bride...  always the case whenever she attends a wedding.... haha....
yummy tiramisu....
a picture with theresa chaychay during lunch....
with the bride & groom during the dinner at stamford ballroom....
amanda signing her well wishes....
the sim family....
the happy parents of the groom....
3 generations with daddy's cousin (in black) standing beside me....
daddy looks really happy... :))
daddy and his little darling (my babe's holding on to my glass of red wine)....

amanda and li'er
our glorious food for the night....  mostly my favourite....
amanda's favourite.... it has been her favourite since she was young...  i recall during a wedding dinner we attended when she was 6 months old...  she could finish the entire bowl of shark's fin... and when she was 1 year old, she was feeding herself the entire bowl of shark's fin during wedding dinners...  everyone on the table was amazed at this little baby....  LOL!!!
our favourite.....
especially HER!!!
my favourite yam paste with lots n lots of lotus & ginko nuts....  yumzzz.....

on the way to the restroom...
amanda insisted i take a picture for her in the restroom....  haha....
the "king of the cats".....  hahaha....
amanda & the 2 beautiful chaychays....  daddy's cousins....
amanda & another beautiful chaychay...  daddy's cousin too... daddy's got so many beautiful cousins....  hmmm....  it runs in the genes.....  :P

CONGRATULATIONS Isaac & Sheri....  and may you have a BLISSFUL Marriage.....

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