Lots of images below.....
How time flies..... I am another year wiser.... We celebrated my Birthday with Mum & Dad at KBox Cineleisure.... over the weekend..... A simple family dinner which included Mum and Dad.... but it was a very warm and happy one....
a lovely family photo....
amanda with her beloved mama and kongkong...
amanda with mummy....
mama and amanda....
the star of the night.... ME.... the happy birthday gal.... :))
amanda's so sweet and creative... she made her own version of fruit salad, decorated it and insisted that i must finish the whole plate of fruits..
have i lost some weight?.... hmmmm.....
amanda singing with kongkong...
kongkong and his precious grand-daughter....
the kuah family (absent with apologies... deb).....
the sim family....
daddy and mummy....
my precious babe....
blackforest cake with compliments from kbox... amanda chose the blackforest cake out of 6 choices...
singing the happy birthday song... daddy and amanda taking the lead with the mic...
amanda singing a naughty version of happy birthday song...
amanda made this card for me all by herself... i'm so touched....
making a wish....
cutting the cake... amanda seems to be enjoying herself so much.... :)
she told me she made the cards whenever i am not around e.g. still sleeping upstairs, or out for yoga or bodycombat sessions etc....
but she forgot to check her "work"... spelling error on the word mummy... and punctuation error at the end of the sentence....
she bought these 3 roses from her school bookshop and pasted them onto the card... very creative! no wonder 2 weeks ago, she was asking me... "mummy. what are your favourite colours? tell me 3...." haha... now i know why she asked me that question....
babe's so independent, practical and such a good little helper... she helped to cut the cake and distributed to all of us.... i was surprised and impressed!
a happy mummy.... red packets from dad, mum and aunty nancy... how sweet.....
a complimentary photo print-out by kbox....
my special slice of cake which amanda prepared.... specially for the birthday mummy...
and the cake's yummy.... how can it not taste yummy?... especially with all of amanda's sweet little gestures?.....
amanda singing and dancing happily....
i love her skirt... it's lovely...
a happy amanda...
daddy and babe rock star with the imaginery guitar....
dad and mum singing... check out mum's bag.... latest arrival from paris....
We had so much fun and laughter during the birthday dinner celebration, especially when watching Amanda dance and sing the night away......
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