Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy 2011!

We woke up very early today and had breakfast at Sloane Court once again, to welcome 2011.  This time, Kakak came along with us.  After breakfast, we headed for our Buddhist New Year Prayer Meeting together with Kongkong and Mama. Oh by the way, did I tell you Kongkong and Mama are really happening?  They were given VIP tickets to watch a concert and also to join in the Countdown at Marina Bay Sands!  Can you imagine that?!  Hence, they almost could not get up on time for the New Year's meeting...  :))  After the meeting, we headed to pay respects to our ancestors since it's the new year of 2011.  Kakak helped to clean up the shrines... 
early in the morning even before the sun rose...
we were the first customer...  heehee...
daddy at it again...  :))
amanda looking so happy after she helped me put sugar into my coffee...  haha...
old-fashioned british toilet...
how relaxing!
classic weighing machine....
leaving sloane court for our buddhist new year prayer meeting...
after the meeting, we left to pay respects to daddy's ancestors...
i bought new flowers for them...
amanda paying her respects...

It was a very meaningful way to start 2011... Family bonding through early breakfast, followed by getting ourselves spiritually recharged and last but not least, fillial piety to our ancestors.... Hmmm.... sense of satisfaction achieved....

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